Monday, February 8, 2010


As promised, here is a sneak peak at the new collection for Spring and Summer 2010. I apologize in advance for the crappy lighting. I am a bit behind schedule getting everything finished but, no it's no big deal, I'll get her done!

It was not easy to find the soft, pale shades of peach, green, and yellow which were used in the Marie Antoinette color palette. I was a bit disappointed with my color options but, I had to make due with what was available. I used alot of pink, big surprise, and gold. I also added pearls accents to just about everything which made all of the pieces cohesive. And besides, pearls are just elegant!

The floral headpieces are all made of silk.......

as well as some of the necklaces.

I am in love with these romantic feminine bracelets and these cute little hair clippy's.

Everything is nicely finished on the back with a silk base.

I hope to begin photographing the pieces this weekend (I have about 20 pieces in the collection) and then stocking my Etsy shop early next week. The photographer (my husband) is not available until Friday.


I'm also working on new cloche styles as well. It's been awhile since I've made the cloche's and they seem to sell very well. I want to try something a little different for the brim on the pink one. Not sure yet what that will be but, I'll keep you updated with the progress.

Bis Spater!

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