Isn't she lovely? I absolutely love orchids. I think that they are such elegant flowers. This is my second one. The first one died a slow death over the winter. This pretty lady is blossoming all over the place. Check out the before ( about 3 weeks ago) and after.
This is how she looks today, simply beautiful! Orchids need water once a week and a bit of TLC. I just love having the orchid on the window sill in the studio. It's great to be able to glance over at it from time to time when I'm working.
Check out our spice rack! My fiancee is the chef in our house. He cooks just about every night ( I wash the dishes) and, he always uses fresh spices. Pictured here are Rosemary, Basil, Thyme, and Kresse. You can buy these spices in planters ready to use at the supermarket. Not only is my fiancee the chef, he also has a green thumb. He likes to grow some of his own spices and they look great on the kitchen window sill.
Because we live in a second floor apartment, we don't have a garden. However, there is a balcony with lots of potential. When we purchased the orchid, we also bought six small rose bushes, a large bamboo plant, twelve lilac bulbs, and a blackberry bush. There is some form of greenery on every side of the balcony. The rose bushes are sitting on the floor in flower pots. We have the lilac bulbs hanging over the railing of the balcony, as well as the bamboo plant. The blackberry bush is positioned in a corner against a bamboo screen. We are hoping that it grows like a vine. I am so excited about the blackberry bush! When I was a kid we had tons of blackberry bushes growing in the neighborhood park. My friends and I would just pick the berries off of the trees and pop them into our mouths. What a succulent summer treat!
Blackberry Bush
When it's warm out, we like to have dinner out on the balcony. We light the candles, turn on some nice music and, enjoy the atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to having dinner surrounded by the beauty of nature, so I really hope that our gardening projects will be a big success.
I'll be posting more photos soon to keep you up to date on our" budding" progress.
I also love orchids. But mine is slowly dying... :-( I thought I wattered it just enough but I guess I did something wrong... For example, i didn't spray its roots that were sticking from under the soil... Oh also I thought you are not supposed to put orchids in direct sunlight so I didn't put it on the window. Does your blossoming lady like being in the sun?
Yes, she loves the sun! From what I've noticed almost everyone here in my neighborhood has one or more orchids sitting in their window sill and many of these are getting direct sunlight most of the day. I had my first orchid on a work table so, it wasn't getting much sunlight at all. I think that some sunlight has made the difference. Good luck with yours.
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